SPA LIFE Hot Tub Spa Chemicals and solutions

Keep Your Hot Tub Clean With Spa Life Hot Tub Chemicals

Western tub and pool  is the trusted source of Spa Life products, an easy-to-use and effective line of hot tub chemicals from Lawrenson's, an Ontario-based manufacturer. From sanitizers to shock treatment products, Spa Life hot tub chemicals are a dependable and effective way to maintain your hot tub.

Types of Spa Life Hot Tub Chemical Products

Spa Life hot tub chemicals come in a variety of forms to help keep your hot tub free of potential health risks, from chlorine tablets and pucks to bromine granules.

Below are some examples of the different types of products in the Spa Life line and how they work to keep your hot tub comfortable and safe.


The Spa Life product line features a series of sanitizer that kills the bacteria, which can grow in your hot tub. Spa Life products sanitize your hot tub and maintain proper chemical levels without the obnoxious odors and hazardous effects of other chemical sanitizers. Spa life Bromine tablets slowly dissolve in water to kill bacteria and algae over a broad pH scale, so they can be used in many different hot tub arrangements.

Shock Treatments

Your hot tub needs shock treatments about once a week to clean out excess dirt and oil left behind from repeated or heavy use. Spa Life non chlorine shock, for example, is the perfect non-chlorinated product to get the job done. Chlorinated products have a strong and sometimes unpleasant odor, and they can irritate the eyes and skin. This Spa Life shock treatment product works to disinfect without these unwanted effects and enables the hot tub’s continuous use.

It’s important to keep your hot tub clean, safe, and free of any hazardous organisms  and we are is here to assist you to keep your water clean and inviting . Check out  our broad range of Spa Life hot tub chemicals and enjoy your hot tub 

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