Hot tubs and swim spas - New -Refurbished

buying a hot tub or Swim spa

Decide on the right size hot tub or swimspa
The size of your hot tub or swimspa will depend on the number of people who will use it, the seating style you want and the size of the space where it will be installed. You can buy a small hot tub that can accommodate 2—3 people or a large hot tub that can accommodate up to eight.
  • Make sure you have enough space to install your hot tub or swimspa
  • Choose an area in your yard or home that has adequate room for drainage, ventilation and access for doing maintenance on the hot tub when needed
  • Check building codes and zoning laws in your neighborhood to make sure they allow for the installation of hot tubs and swim spa's . particularly with apartment or townhouse complexes.

Determine your budget
Hot tub prices range from less expensive portable spas to eight and 10-person acrylic tubs. Price is highly dependent on brand, size and features, so shopping around is a good idea.
  • Know the basic breakdown of hot tub and swim spa expenses
  • Consult a licensed electrician that has dealt with hot tub or swim spa about wiring requirements 
  • Look for a hot tub or swim spa  with features that fall within your budget . 
  • consider 120 v plug and play hot tub if your wanting to save on electrical install
  • consider higher end refurbished hot tub models to save over new models

Give us a Call To assist you With your next hot tub or swimspa 

1-855-248-0777 or email us at

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