cartridge filters

Inova spa hot tub cartridge filters

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here is a quick overview on filter maintenance to keep your filters healthy and the tub Clear and inviting

One of the most important elements to keeping your hot tub water clean is your filter. Hot tub filters keep debris, dust, dirt, and even some bacteria's from interfering with your hot tub experience. For the best, most effective hot tub filters, you must clean and change them regularly. Here’s a guide to keeping your filters clean and how to do so.

For clean and functioning filters, there are three time periods to remember: weekly, monthly, and once a year. If you follow these short instructions for each of these periods, your filter and hot tub will stay clean and last longer.

weekly: A Quick Inspection with chemical balancing.

While taking care of your regular weekly chemical balancing of your hot tub, you should remove and inspect your filter from the hot tub and and if needed rinse it with a garden hose to release larger debris such as hair and leaves. This is a quick process just to keep your filter functional between more serious cleanings.

monthly : Thorough Cleaning

Once a month is a good time when you’ll want to remove the filter and perform a more thorough cleaning. We recommend keeping a clean filter on hand to replace with your dirty one. This extends the life of both filters as well as allows you to use your hot tub without waiting a day.

To clean your filter:

Always refer to the manufacturer “ Operating manual ” that came with your specific hot tub . Some hot tub spas have different instructions , location and how to remove and install the particular brand of cartridge hot tub filter .

After removing the filters place your filter in a bucket with water. Add your filter cleaning solution as per instruction on the bottle . We recommend using a filter cleaner to remove all bacteria's and mineral deposits.

Mix the solution in the bucket by turning and pumping the filter up and down and allow them to soak overnight . typically 12 hrs or so

When finished remove the filter from the bucket and rinse off with your garden hose. Make sure to rinse well to remove all chemicals from the cleaner. Allow the filter to fully dry before adding it back to the hot tub. Damp filters contain bacteria's that can contaminate your hot tub water.

Once a Year: Replace Your Filter

Filters are only made to last for about a year depending on use. It is not recommend using your hot tub filter for more than 12 months after which time filter can become ineffective and leave debris and bacteria in your hot tub water. If you’re using two separate filters sets and alternating them monthly you should end up getting a comfortable couple years .

Additional Tips:

When it comes to cleaning your hot tub filters, never use a power washer, dishwasher, or washing machine. The high water pressure may cause damage the filter media .

Do not use non-filter cleaning soaps such as laundry or dishwater detergent as they contain phosphates . Filter Cleaner is made specifically to clean your filter without contaminating your water or causing serious foaming issues.


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