Spa Boss Alka Rise 750 G

Spa Boss
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Spa Boss Alka Rise 750 G

Raises the total alkalinity in your spa and acts as a pH stabilizer. Low alkalinity will cause your pH to bounce and promote corrosive water and attack surfaces. Alka Rise will prevent erratic changes in the pH levels and it will help the bromine or chlorine in the spa/hot tub work more efficiently. Easy to broadcast over the hot tub surface and save to use hot tub after application. Best always to test alkalinity levels when your chlorine and bromine are at normal levels to get an accurate reading.

  • Comparable product to Spa Guard Balance Pak 100, Beachcomber Resist, Arctic Pure Perfect Balance, Dazzle Pro Balance TA+, Spa Essentials Alkalinity Increaser, Rendezvous Alkalinity Up and Leisure Time Alkalinity Increaser.

Alkalinity is an extremely important factor to consider when maintaining your spa or hot tub. It refers to the amount of alkaline substances, such as bicarbonates and carbonates, in the water. Having the proper level of alkalinity in your spa is crucial for achieving a balanced pH level.

Spa Boss Alka Rise 750 G is a highly effective product that can help raise the total alkalinity in your spa or hot tub. Low levels of alkalinity can cause the pH level to fluctuate, leading to corrosive water and potential damage to surfaces. By using Alka Rise, you can prevent these erratic changes in pH and promote a stable environment for your spa or hot tub.

One of the main benefits of using Spa Boss Alka Rise is its ability to act as a pH stabilizer. This means that it helps to maintain a consistent pH level, which is essential for keeping your spa water safe and comfortable for users. Additionally, having the proper amount of alkalinity in your water will help your chlorine or bromine sanitizer work more efficiently.

Using Alka Rise is easy and convenient. Simply broadcast the product over the surface of your spa or hot tub and wait for it to dissolve before using your hot tub. We recommend testing your alkalinity levels regularly, especially when your sanitizer levels are normal, to ensure an accurate reading.

Spa Boss Alka Rise is comparable to other popular alkalinity increasers such as Spa Guard Balance Pak 100, Beachcomber Resist, Arctic Pure Perfect Balance, Dazzle Pro Balance TA+, Spa Essentials Alkalinity Increaser, Rendezvous Alkalinity Up and Leisure Time Alkalinity Increaser. However, our product offers the same great results at a more affordable price.

Maintaining proper alkalinity levels is crucial for the overall health and longevity of your spa or hot tub. Don't let low alkalinity ruin your spa experience - trust Spa Boss Alka Rise to keep your water balanced and safe for all users. So, make sure to add this product to your regular spa maintenance routine for optimal results. Happy soaking!