Mineraluxe pH Minus 950g
MineraluxHot Tub Owners Rejoice!
When it comes to hot tub maintenance, pH is key. Luckily Mineralux Solutions has just what you need with their pH Minus product. This fast-dissolving and highest-quality granular formulation can safely lower pH levels without introducing impurities. So now that your pH is in check, all of the benefits of a balanced hot tub can be yours. Enjoy crystal clear water, feel the gentle comfort of a healthy pH level, and keep corrosion and scale formation at bay. With Mineralux Solutions, you can finally relax in your hot tub knowing that all is well.
Happy Tubbing!
Quick Steps
- Safely lowers pH and Total Alkalinity (TA)
- Use when pH is more than 7.6 to return to effective range of 7.4 – 7.6
- Use when TA is greater than 150 ppm
- High pH causes;
- Discomfort to bathers
- Poor sanitizer efficiency
- Scale formation
- Cloudy water
- Increased risk of problems and major repair costs
- Highest grade mineral available
- Fine, granular form
- Apply as needed to maintain pH between 7.4 – 7.6
- Apply when required to lower TA
As a general rule, a Mineraluxe tub requires less testing and re-balancing due to:
- The stabilizing effects of the Mineraluxe system
- The dramatic decrease in products and product quantities applied
How Much:
- Dosage rate to lower pH is based on:
- How much the pH is to be lowered,
- A balanced total alkalinity. If TA is out of balance, adjust it first:
- pH 7.7 to 7.9 – use 8 g per 1,000 L
- pH 8.0 to 8.4 – use 12 g per 1,000 L
- > than 8.4 – use 15 g per 1,000 L
- To lower TA:1 capful = 10 grams (approx.)
- 24 g per 1,000 L lowers TA 10 ppm
- Never add more than 24 g per 1,000 L per application
- Operate pump with air off
- Apply product by sprinkling slowly over water surface
- Circulate for 1 – 2 hours
- For pH: Re-test to confirm – re-apply if pH is still above 7.6
- For TA: When lowering TA, never allow pH to drop below 7.2
- Lower TA slowly – by 10 ppm per day